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Flashing a pair of LEDs with the BeagleBone Black

In this post, I will show you how to make a flashing on a pair of LEDs, i.e., turn on and off a Led but with a different duration between...

Blinking a pair of LEDs with the BeagleBone Black

In this post, I will show you how to make a blinking on a pair of LEDs. I will be using the LED C++ Class described in the post Implementation...

Implementation of the LED Class for BeagleBone Black

In this post, I show a LED C++ class implementation which is derived from GPIO class and adds some methods for blink a led.

Reading a button with the BeagleBone Black

In this post, I will show you how to read the input from a button and turn a led On each time it will be pressed. I will be using...

Turning a Led On / Off with the BeagleBone Black

In this post I will show you how to turn a led On and Off using the C++ library described in the post Beaglebone and C++ to access and control...

GPIO C++ Class

This post will be the starting point about how to program the BeagleBone in C++. Here, I show the code of a library to access and control the general purpose...