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Reading an analog value with continuous sampling in the BeagleBone Black

In this post, I show a simple application to read an analog value running in the background with its own thread with the ADC C++ class implementation shown previously in...

Reading an analog voltage from a potentiometer in the BeagleBone Black

In this post, I show a simple application to read and analog voltage with the ADC C++ class implementation shown previously in this post. Remembering that the BeagleBone has 7...

Reading an analog value from a potentiometer in the BeagleBone Black

In this post, I show a simple application of the analog to digital converter (ADC) C++ class implementation shown previously in this post. Remembering that the BeagleBone has 7 analog...

Implementation of the ADC Class for BeagleBone Black

In this post, I show an analog to digital converter (ADC) C++ class implementation. Remembering that the BeagleBone has 7 analog inputs and ADC of 12 bits that lets to...

Doing a pulse light effect on a LED with PWM in the BeagleBone Black

In this post, I start applying the PWM technique to do a light pulse effect on a LED. This is inspired by the work by Sparkfun titled Pulse a LED,...

Control the brightness of a LED with PWM in the BeagleBone Black

In this post, I start with the PWM technique applied to control the brightness of a LED. Remembering the PWM is a technique that lets us emulate an analog signal...