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Control the Brightness of a LED with a Potentiometer in the BeagleBone Black

In this post, I show how to control the brightness of a LED with a potentiometer. The LED is wired to a PWM pin and the Potentiometer to an ADC...

Blinking a LED without Delay in the BeagleBone Black

In this post, I show how to blink a LED with using Delays routines. This is done through the implementation of some functions that retrieve the time and duration of...

Turning ON / OFF six LEDs in order with the BeagleBone Black

In this post, I show how to blink in order six LEDs in the BeagleBone Black using Delays routines. This is done with the DelayMilliseconds function which uses the C++...

Updates to the C++ library for the BeagleBone Black

In this post, I use the six PWM pins available on the BeagleBone and show how to work with them in order to control the brightness of six LEDs. Remembering...

Updates to the C++ library for the BeagleBone Black

In this post, I show some updates to the library explained previously in: GPIO Class LED Class Button Class PWM Class ADC Class

Reading an analog voltage with continuous sampling in the BeagleBone Black

In this post, I show a simple application to read an analog voltage running in the background with its own thread with the ADC C++ class implementation shown previously in...