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Using threads to drive a DC motor with the L298N driver in the BeagleBone Black

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Control a DC motor from the keyboard with the L298N driver and the BeagleBone Black

In this post, I show how to drive a DC Motor from the keyboard using the driver L298N which can drive two DC motors. In practice, this driver can be...

Drive a DC motor with the L298N driver and the BeagleBone Black

In this post, I show how to drive a DC Motor with the driver L298N which can drive two DC motors. In practice, this driver can be found in a...

Read and store the sequence of the keypad pressed buttons in the BeagleBone Black

In this post, I show how to read and store the keypad pressed buttons sequence in a vector. In the last post, I showed how to read the signal from...

Read the signal from a 5 buttons keypad in the BeagleBone Black

In this post, I show how to read the signal from an analog keypad with 5 buttons. The keypad used is the E_KEYPAD_2_2 that was designed by Xabier Rosas and...

Using the LM35 temperature sensor in the BeagleBone Black

In this post, I show how to read the temperature from the analog sensor LM35. The datasheet can be found here. This sensor has an output voltage linearly-proportional to the...